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For years, two land-locked pirates had a dream: to combine their love for seafaring legends and delicious coffee.  It would bring an adventurous flair to artisan beverages.  It would keep historical brewing methods alive with modern tools and techniques.  It would infuse the best coffees of the third wave with traditional flavors of the Caribbean and the New World.  And most importantly, it would keel-haul corporate coffee with the attitude of a true outlaw.


It seemed like an impossible dream, but in 2015, what started as idle chat over many a rum & Coke took its first step toward becoming a reality, and Cutwater Coffee sold its inaugural brew!


Join us as we get our sea legs on this voyage to deliver artisan coffee to events all over Sacramento!

The Crew

Our Coffee Dreams

First Mate


Event booking and marketing.


Formidable with the cat o' nine tails.




Coffee preparation, beverage invention.


More likely to prance around in a fancy tricorn hat than to actually pillage.

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